The Life Planning Process

Taking Time to Set Your Compass

The principle here is simple. We are all busy with work, family, and friends. One day you wake up and realize that decades have flown by without your realizing it and you find yourself at the last hour of your life.

Everyone will have a last hour. The question is only, when you look back at your life from the perspective of your last hour, what will you see?

Will you see the life of someone who was thoughtful and intentional about the life you wanted to experience, or someone who just reacted to circumstances?

In the Life Planning process, we will answer four questions.

1. What do I (or we if you are coupled) need and want out of life?

2. Presuming you have some means of gainful employment, how is your role helping or hindering the fulfillment of your life aspirations?

3. What would your company/career need to look like in order to be most directly in pursuit of your life aspirations?

4. How do you get your company/career to look like that?

The Life Planning Session is a deep dive into what matters most to you and your spouse/partner, and how those are best aligned for maximum benefit to you both.

Held at my offices in Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA, the Life Planning Session is a twoĀ day process.

Your take away will be a new sense of focus, clarity, and clear expectations of how your company or career must evolve to support your life aspirations, and a stronger alignment with your partner on your life journey.

The work is also the foundation of the strategic planning process for your company or unit.

For more information, please feel free to call to discuss your situation.

Nothing prepared us for running a business like ours. The first few years were manageable, but then our business began to run us. It was frustrating.painful.

The two days we spent with you in Albuquerque were days of discovery, deep introspection, defining, projecting, and goal setting.

Nothing we had ever done before had made such an impact nor held greater hope for helping us turn our business into the vehicle for fulfilling our specific personal needs.

In the year since Albuquerque, we have been able to cut back the hours we spend at our business, comfortably boost our salaries, and have been successful in hiring personnel to help us grow far beyond where we are today.

John McManus, CEO
Magellanā€™s Inc. (Three time Inc. 500 Company)
Santa Barbara, CA

Serving leaders and companies who aspire to evolve and improve quality of business and life for themselves and their employees.