What Caught the Attention of the Press -

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Inc. Magazine

The World According to Me


The Well Balanced Life: The Turnaround
Get a Life!
Why Leadership Is The Most Dangerous Idea in American Business
The Wall
Leading in Hard Times
75 Reasons to Be Glad You're an American Entrepreneur Right Now
The Pause that Refreshes


Fortune Small Business


Animal House


New York Times


Hello, Boss. I Feel a Headache Coming On



Our work together literally changed my life. Your acute insights have helped me make adjustments to my plan and tackle some of the many complex obstacles that are a part of any entrepreneur's life.
In large part due to your extremely valuable input and direction, I have achieved one of my most major professional goals: I have sold my business and at age 41, I will have made enough money to retire.
Now I can focus on some of the non-income producing personal goals I have set for myself. It is without reservation that I attribute much of the mental focus behind my accomplishments to your extraordinary brand of self-direction.

Joan Finkle
Former CEO
The Expert Group
San Francisco, CA

Serving leaders and companies who aspire to evolve and improve quality of business and life for themselves and their employees.